Microsoft Office is one of the most common packet of the office programs.
For us, students, who need the organization of
qualitative and convenient document management, the best solution
was and remains this set of programs, which includes Microsoft Office Word, Microsoft Office Excel, Microsoft Office Outlook, Microsoft Office PowerPoint, Microsoft Office Publisher etc.
Интерактивный текст - Salvador DaliГипертекст - Christian Bale
This program is very useful for work with different kinds of
documents of any format, but at the same time it is complicated and easy to use. Having
mastered all the functions of MS Office, I can not simply print the
text and edit it, but insert hyperlinks, create an interactive text,
add and edit notes.
Простая презентация - Salvador Dali (1)Простая презентация - Salvador Dali (2)
Сложная презентация - Christian Bale
Тест в Mischief Mouse - Grammatical / Lexical
The program allows you to create and view presentations in a
variety of formats. All of us confront with it in school at
the level of creation of elementary slides, here (in the Institute),
we are introduced to advanced features. So now each of us can
insert a hyperlink into a presentation; create a protected presentation
(in a playback mode); save the presentation in the format of the
photo that allows you to create a movie; create the test.
MS Excel allows you to create a table, with which we are confronted every day
everywhere. The program is simple to use if you carefully
learn all its functions: creation of tables, insertion of formula for
automatic calculation of results, creation of diagrams.
Обработка звука - Salvador Dali
Audacity is an easy-to-use program that allows you to edit (in most cases cut)
music files, record music or your own voice, which is very
convenient when working with children and making movies.
Movie Maker
All programs, mentioned above, make it easier to create movies. In
fact, this program is very easy to use and it is pleasure to work in it. It
allows you to create a film on the basis of pictures and audio files
with smooth transitions, with different shades; it adds titles, music and
allows to mute it in the right moments.
Фильм 2 - Christian Bale
Фильм 3 - Bryan Adams